Our History

History of the George H. Nettleton Foundation

The history of the George H. Nettleton Foundation is a testament to the generous spirit of the greater Kansas City community.


George Nettleton (1831-1896), originally from Chicopee Falls, MA, was fascinated by rail transportation from an early age and over his life was involved with building railways from CT to IL to MO.  He quickly proved himself and by age 41 was general superintendent of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad.  In 1874, he and his wife, Julia, moved to Kansas City where he was instrumental in developing Kansas City as a transportation center.  At the helm of the Union Depot Company, he administered the city’s first major railroad station and yards in the West Bottoms.  As a community leader, George helped incorporate the First National Bank of Kansas City (1886), was a founder of the Provident Association and organized and managed the first Kansas City Stockyards Company.  He served as the head of the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad which became the Frisco until his death at age 64.


Julia, following George’s death, decided to donate their gray brick Quality Hill mansion at 7th and Pennsylvania to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union.  The WCTU had founded a home for aged women in 1890.  A stipulation of the gift was that the home be renamed the George H. Nettleton Home for Aged Women and in 1900 thirty-one women moved in.


In 1914, the home moved to its final location at 5125 Swope Parkway on land donated by Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Swinney.  Funds were raised to build the new home and Mrs. Swinney served as its board president for many years.  The larger home prospered under the guidance of dedicated board members, residents and staff who enlivened its motto, “Women Caring for Other Women.”


One of the first retirement organizations in Kansas City, the home was sold in 1995.  The proceeds were put into a trust for the benefit of the elderly in the Kansas City metropolitan area. A genuine concern for our older citizens remains as the central theme for all grants approved by the George H. Nettleton Foundation Board of Directors.

The Board

George H. Nettleton Foundation Board of Directors

Susann Riffe

Susann Riffe


Spence Heddens

Spence Heddens

Vice President

Ken Lawrence

Ken Lawrence


Jody Carroll

Jody Carroll


Paul Becker

Paul Becker

Martha Carpenter Smith

Martha Carpenter Smith

Bob Frasier

Bob Frasier

Teresa Clark

Teresa Clark

David Ross

David Ross